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December 16th, 2017

I know for the three people that read this blog, 9 miles sounds like a joke for a long run, but for me it was a real accomplishment this morning. I am remembering why I love running with a group of friends - especially old friends from years past. First, you can catch up with people, and because you are in a group, it is easy to switch to a new conversation with someone else. Second, your average pace quickens without much effort because you are focusing on keeping up, or chatting. Finally, you feel like part of a family. I was so welcomed by old running buddies this morning, including Jimmy McWilliams, Ivi, Liliana, Richard Mendez, Pat Legate and others that it really felt wonderful. Thanks guys, it means a lot to be able to come out of 'retirement' and run with you all again. Anyway, we did 9 (lili and I) while Pat and others did 12-14 on the tail end of the new marathon route. Here is a map (we got confused and lost on the east side).  Body felt OK, ankle twinged once or twi

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